Clay Aiken by .:AmandaBoo:.

domingo, março 11, 2007

Voltei e ainda estou tentando me recuperar do trauma...
Eu vou postar aqui a parte que o Clay escreveu no blog falando sobre o Brasil:

I went on a week long trip out of the country to a much warmer area in hopes of drying it all up and out of me. That worked well, but not until after I flew with a congested nose and my ears seemingly exploded.
Brazil was interesting to say the very least. I made a concerted effort to go AFTER Carnival to avoid all of the... whatever it is that is done during Carnival. But I didn't seem to go late enough to miss the SWELTERING weather. 98 degrees with what felt like 98% humidity! Although it gets pretty hot here in Raleigh during the summer, all that sun and heat ain't the best friend of a pasty white boy. I escaped without getting sun-burned though! Hallelujah!
And I found a new drink to add to my list of favorites! Guarana (Gwa-rah-NAH). Wow. What have you Brazilians been hiding from us? EXCELLENT!! (That isn't a suggestion that anyone send me any! While I would appreciate it... I would probably drown in as much as many of you are capable of sending!)

Clay, come back!!! Pleeeease!!
We will give you more Guarana!!! I promise : )
Your Brazilian fans are DYING to see you!!
We are waiting for you!

Mudando de assunto...
Um artigo bem legal chamado American Idol: Kids, learn some lessons from TV (o que em português seria AI: Crianças, aprendam algumas lições sobre TV) foi publicado no blog Jack Myers Media Village e fala, entre outras coisas, sobre o sucesso que o Clay fez mesmo depois de perder para o Ruben.
Eu vou postar a matéria em inglês mesmo (soh a parte que fala do Clay [obviamente]):

And remember Ruben Studdard, the "velvet teddybear"? Ever wonder why he isn't on more talk shows? Why his "tour" hasn't come to a stadium near you? The guy can sing, but his personality is low-wattage. Meanwhile, Studdard's runner-up Clay Aiken is all over TV, cutting up with Jimmy Kimmel, getting into feuds with Kelly Ripa, shooting the grits with Larry King. Love him or loathe him, he turns it on every time he's on the air.
Para ler o artigo todo, clique aqui.

Por hoje é só...
Se eu não postar nada amanhã é porque a minha tentativa de cometer suicídio deu certo (*Drama Queen*).